Improving quality in a national intestinal failure unit: greater efficiency, improved access and reduced mortalityEmma Donaldson, Michael Taylor, Arun Abraham, Gordon Carlson, Olivia Fletcher, Jacqui Varden, Antje Teubner, Simon Lal
25 August 2014
Guidance: The practical management of the gastrointestinal symptoms of pelvic radiation diseaseH Jervoise N Andreyev, Ann C Muls, Christine Norton, Charlotte Ralph, Lorraine Watson, Clare Shaw, James O Lindsay
17 June 2014
Would you have laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication again? A patient satisfaction survey in a UK populationMichael J Courtney, Milind Rao, Rebecca Teasdale, Rajesh Jain, Bussa Gopinath
3 April 2014
Disease status, patient quality of life and healthcare resource use for ulcerative colitis in the UK: an observational studyCarolynne J Vaizey, Peter R Gibson, Christopher M Black, Rebecca J Nicholls, Adèle R Weston, Daniel R Gaya, Shaji Sebastian, Ian Shaw, Stephen Lewis, Stuart Bloom, John N Gordon, Amanda Beale, Ian Arnott, Simon Campbell, Tao Fan
24 January 2014
Mapping of Crohn's disease outcomes to faecal calprotectin levels in patients maintained on biologic therapyJames Turvill
16 April 2014
Hepatitis B in pregnancyJessica Katharine Dyson, Julia Waller, Andrena Turley, Enid Michael, Samuel Moses, Manoj Valappil, Mark Hudson, Margaret Bassendine, Stuart McPherson
17 October 2013
Factors at presentation predictive of a requirement for endoscopic therapy in patients presenting with overt upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage: a retrospective observational studyJames Irwin, Reid Ferguson, Frank Weilert, Anthony Smith
18 July 2013
A novel method for determining the difficulty of colonoscopic polypectomyS Gupta, D Miskovic, P Bhandari, S Dolwani, B McKaig, R Pullan, B Rembacken, S Riley, M D Rutter, N Suzuki, Z Tsiamoulos, R Valori, M E Vance, O D Faiz, B P SaundersSee the full list of authors
1 June 2013
The setting up and running of a cross-county out-of-hours gastrointestinal bleed service: a possible blueprint for the futureBahman N Shokouhi, Mohammad Khan, Martyn J Carter, Nasser Q Khan, Philip Mills, Danielle Morris, David E Rowlands, Kote Samsheer, Ian R Sargeant, Peter B McIntyre, Simon M Greenfield
12 November 2012
Emergency endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in critically ill patients is a safe and effective procedureVenkata Pawan Kumar Lekharaju, Javaid Iqbal, Omar Noorullah, Naveen Polavarapu, Shyam Menon, Stephen Hood, Nick Stern, Richard Sturgess
29 November 2012